Recently, there are some mistakes on the website optimization in the market, this understanding of Baoding website optimization is very unfavorable.
First, to ensure that the site will be ranked in the first Google. Google has repeatedly explained: Google uses dozens of computing rules, a variety of encryption measures, is no one can guarantee the first, ranking the results also only we know the internal staff.
Second, the more the better. Keywords the density of the best between 4% to 8%, too much is not good results.
Third, PR value is the most important. Improve the weight of the site for the success of the Baoding site optimization has a certain role, but we must be clear that the main purpose is to do Baoding website optimization is to bring more readers and more potential customers, otherwise high Pr value is not much value.
Fourth, the more links, the better. Search for high quality and high weight links most likely to increase the weight of the site, remember not to add some garbage site.
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on high-end web site construction, network promotion, micro channel marketing, micro network construction, 400 telephone, hook SMS and brand communication network services. Years of training, so that we have a wealth of experience in creative design, marketing, technology research and development, we are good at listening to business needs, tap the core value of the brand, integration of high quality design and the latest technology, to create a valuable creative design experience.