A forum to complete, no one knows how to do, how to do, search engine AND to do the link! To quickly visit the GOOGLE search engine? Link to submit to the faster! In addition to this advantage, the link can also improve your PR; with reasonable keywords to do the link, you can improve your ranking;
1, link object selection
The object forum does not require the PR to be particularly high, there is enough! 1 PR2 forums, the external link is only 1 of you, then you have more than 50 of the PR4 with an external link! And then you want to link the forum is the best are collected, do not get blocked the site to the chain, as far as possible to find PR high, the external link is less, is collected, IP is more high. For the measurement of the size of the PR score with the external link, you can see yourself!
2, the effectiveness of the link
Improve PR cheats 2 important points in 1 is to say: the increasing number of links!
于是大家拼命的去做自助鏈接,登陸wang址大全!這些鏈接有的根本沒效果,JS調用的 IFRAME嵌入的,2次的,隨處可見,大家千萬別做,浪費感情和精力。比如你和鏈接,結果鏈接的地址為:...的PR一般為0)!
So we go all out to do self-help links, landing Wang site! Some of these links have no effect, JS call IFRAME embedded, 2 times, can be seen everywhere, we must not do, waste of feelings and energy. For example, you and the link, the results of the link address is:... PR is generally 0)!
Check is a direct and effective link, the simple method has one: to view the source file, edit - find, enter your Wang address, there is OK, and the other side to a sentence: put your on the inside pages? The other side generally do not agree, oh, good, is the symbol of my intention, do not do!
3, reasonable use of the link text
For example, you are a website construction of a station, so you and other people to link, the text on the use of "website construction", this keyword hot ah! All the forum saying your station is "site construction", so that a search "website" so you ranked in the search results front is possible (this method is not absolute, but for in search results by before a little help! Of course you choose the link text to and your site related to, can not do a "dog" station, yet a text link to get the sheep's head does! In particular, with the high PR station to do such a link, search more value to this effect!
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on high-end website construction, website design, web promotion, micro channel marketing, micro network construction, 400 telephone, hook SMS and brand communication network services. Years of training, so that we have a wealth of experience in creative design, marketing, technology research and development, we are good at listening to business needs, tap the core value of the brand, integration of high quality design and the latest technology, to create a valuable creative design experience.