Part of the network marketing network marketing is not obvious, and not the network marketing skills are not enough or promotion efforts are not home, the root cause is the site's content is not updated for a long time. Enterprise website content update seems to be a simple thing, but careful analysis will find, enterprise website content update requires specialized technical personnel, have special copywriters, worthy of promotion to the user of material, and a considerable part of the enterprise do not fully meet these factors, resulting in the website content for a long time not update, became the site of "dead", loss of function of network marketing. Therefore, enterprises should be responsible for writing and web site update work, to attract long-term users, so as to gradually establish the customer's loyalty to corporate brand.
Mainly pay attention to the following five aspects:
(1) users can often rely on the site navigation to determine whether they can meet the needs of. Therefore, navigation website need with simple, clear and consistent and effective te of single, enhanced enterprise website the sense of hierarchy and clear sense, to win consumers trust.
(2) enterprise web site is to promote the enterprise, so, in order to let more consumers find, browse and even long-term view of the company's website, it must be based on the network marketing as a guide, so that the mainstream search engines to grab more pages of the enterprise web site, in search results show better.
(3) in meeting the needs of the user's information premise, the enterprise web site should strive to be concise, easy to use, some convenience services such as weather forecasts, ticketing and other functions are best not to appear on the enterprise web site, but also can not be the same as the website of the enterprise imaging games.
(4) the design of enterprise web site focused on simple, beautiful, to give users a good first impression.
(5) in the form of information expression, the text is the main and the image is a supplement. Even if it is to use the picture, it is also used to deal with the graphics tools to the size of the picture to a certain standard, so that the web page download speed, save the user's time.
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on high-end web site construction, network promotion, micro channel marketing, micro network construction, 400 telephone, hook SMS and brand communication network services. Years of training, so that we have a wealth of experience in creative design, marketing, technology research and development, we are good at listening to business needs, tap the core value of the brand, integration of high quality design and the latest technology, to create a valuable creative design experience.